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3 posts tagged with "browser"

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· 3 min read
Viorel PETCU

If you're an avid YouTube user, you know the struggle of keeping track of the total time you're about to invest in watching a playlist or queue. Whether you're lining up tutorials, your favorite gaming sessions, or a list of must-watch documentaries, understanding how much time you're committing can be crucial. This is where the YouTube Queue Duration Tool comes into play—a simple browser extension that sums up the total duration of videos in your YouTube queue.


I always wondered why this is not a feature already. Who cares?

Now we can change it.

Why You Need It

In our fast-paced world, time management is key. Whether you're taking a quick break or settling in for a long study session, knowing the total playtime helps you plan better. The YouTube Queue Duration Tool is perfect for:

  • Educational Content: Plan your learning sessions by knowing how long it will take to go through tutorial videos.
  • Entertainment: Balance your leisure time and breaks by watching queued videos.
  • Workouts: Queue up your exercise or yoga videos and get the total workout time.

How It Works

The tool is a piece of JavaScript that runs in the background of your browser. Once you've added videos to your YouTube queue, the tool:

  1. Accesses the queue container element in the DOM.
  2. Iterates over the listed videos, scraping the duration of each one.
  3. Parses the durations and converts them into seconds.
  4. Sums up the seconds and converts the total back into hours, minutes, and seconds.
  5. Displays the total duration neatly at the top of your queue.

Under the Hood

The core of the extension is a simple, yet efficient, interval-based checking system that waits until all video items are loaded on the page. Here's the logic:

function parseTimeToSeconds(timeString) {
const parts = timeString.split(':');
let seconds = 0;
let multiplier = 1;

while (parts.length > 0) {
seconds += multiplier * parseInt(parts.pop(), 10);
multiplier *= 60;

return seconds;

function formatSecondsAsTime(seconds) {
const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
seconds %= 3600;
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds %= 60;
return `${hours}:${String(minutes).padStart(2, '0')}:${String(seconds).padStart(2, '0')}`;

function checkPlaylistTimes() {
let totalSeconds = 0;
let queueTitle = null
try {
const sideBar = document.querySelector("#secondary");
const playList = sideBar.querySelector("#playlist");
const items = playList.querySelector("#items");
const times = items.querySelectorAll("#time-status");
const queueH3 = playList.querySelector("h3");
queueTitle = queueH3.querySelector("yt-formatted-string");
for (let i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
totalSeconds += parseTimeToSeconds(times[i].innerText);
} catch (e) {
console.warn('An exception occurred:', e);
const formattedTotalTime = formatSecondsAsTime(totalSeconds);
//console.log(`Total Playlist Time: ${formattedTotalTime}`);
const prefix = queueTitle.innerText.split(" ")[0];
queueTitle.innerText = `Queue (${formattedTotalTime})`;

// Set an interval to sum up the times every second
setInterval(checkPlaylistTimes, 1000);

By adding it to your User Javascript and CSS extension.

suggested configuration


I shown how to do this in a previous DEV.TO post

As seen in the screenshots, the total duration of the queued videos is displayed in a clear format (HH:MM:SS), giving you a quick glimpse of the time required for your current queue.


Wrapping Up

The YouTube Queue Duration Tool is a testament to how a little convenience can go a long way. For developers, the source code is a concise example of manipulating the DOM with pure JavaScript and can serve as a template for similar projects.

Stay tuned for updates, and happy queueing!

Keep on changing things.

Viorel PETCU

· One min read
Viorel PETCU

When you find a feature or function online that truly enhances your browsing experience, it's almost second nature to wish for a way to keep it close at hand. That's where browser extensions come into play – the little helpers that make our digital lives more efficient.

In a recent piece on DEV.TO, I dive into the world of browser extensions and the impact they have on our daily internet interactions.

From personalization to productivity, extensions can significantly modify and improve our browsing experience.

Join me in exploring how these miniature programs can make a big difference and why it's crucial to show appreciation for the creative minds that develop them.

Extend your capabilities,


· One min read
Viorel PETCU

Change is the only constant in technology. As developers and tech enthusiasts, we face an array of tools, languages, and frameworks that constantly evolve. Sometimes, we encounter something in our tech stack that doesn't quite fit our needs or expectations.

In my recent exploration shared on DEV.TO, I delve into the concept of taking initiative when something in your workflow just doesn't click.

I discuss the empowerment that comes from tweaking, adjusting, or even overhauling elements that are within our control. From modifying open-source projects to suit our specific requirements, to contributing back to the community with our improvements, this article is an ode to the proactive spirit of the tech world.

Take a moment to read through and maybe, the next time you find a tool or process that you think could be better, you'll remember to take charge and make that change.

Carve your path,
